Maps related to Andrew Murray’s ministry
Dutch Reformed parish boundaries
in the Cape Colony in 1814
For the most part, parish boundaries were still as extensive as those indicated in the map below when Andrew Murray started his ministry in 1849. The size of the parish of Graaff-Reinet, where Andrew Murray’s father, Andrew Murray Sr. served as pastor, was about the same size as that of Portugal
Maps related to my novels
- Orange River Sovereignty: showing Bloemfontein, where Andrew Murray served as pastor, along with Fauresmith, Smithfield and Winburg, where he was acting pastor.
- Transvaal: showing the main church places visited during his first tour in 1849/50.
- Map of South Africa: showing the Cape, Natal and Basutoland in relation to the Orange River Sovereignty and the Transvaal.
Maps showing some of the known towns that experienced revival between 1860 & 1861 at the Cape
- Towns in the Western and Northern Cape (1860-1862)
- Towns in the Eastern Cape (1861/62)
The story of the 1860/61 revival is told in my book South Africa’s Forgotten Revival. The e-copy is available on AMAZON. To view the cover and description, please go to the BOOKS page. The paperback copy will be republished in 2021.
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