Books authored or published by Olea
Coming in May 2022
Insightful quotations with a blaze of background color from Protea photographs
The paperback book contains 131 short quotations while the e-book contains 150 quotations. They are from twenty-one of Andrew Murray’s most popular books. To add to their appeal, they have been inserted over a background of Protea flowers and related species that grow prolifically in the South African veld.
The quotations have been compiled according to the following fifteen topics that one can dip into at any time: Abiding, Covenants, Faith, Healing, Humility, Love, Obedience, Prayer, Pride, Holy Spirit, The Vine, Waiting, The Word, Working, and Worship.
This is a true story of Andrew Murray’s spiritual journey between 1860 and 1882
You will learn:
- His misconceptions regarding revival
- His leadership skills when doing battle with the Liberals
- His vision for missions and women’s education
- His dependence on God to open doors
- His approach to healing by building up his faith
- His realization that the vessel God has cleansed He will undoubtedly fill
A needed rebuttal against the scurrilous claim that
Andrew Murray (1828-1917) of South Africa was a Freemason
In this rebuttal, I argue:
- That Andrew Murray was a spirit-filled evangelical who was thoroughly versed in Reformed theology and the Heidelberg Catechism.
- That in the 1870s he had fought several High Court battles to oust modernist Dutch Reformed pastors from the Dutch Reformed Church.
- That the Dutch Reformed Church both in the Transvaal and at the Cape adamantly denounced Freemasonry as non-Christian.
- That there were reasons why Afrikaners of the Dutch Reformed Church tended to put up obelisk memorials and gravestones.
Andrew Murray at Keswick and Exeter Hall
Talks that will enable you to ‘hear’ Andrew Murray preach
If you count Andrew Murray as one of your heroes of the faith, or have read some of his published works, then these six talks are sure to find a special place in your heart. They are basically word for word as he delivered them.
Plus Two Testimonies
Both testimonies were given at Keswick, and are the only ones that he gave that we know of. One was given in 1882, just after the miraculous healing of his throat, while the other was given at the Keswick Convention of 1895.
Novels in the Destined Series
Book THREE: Andrew Murray
Destined to Wait
Hankering to go, but needing to stay
Twenty-eight year old Andrew Murray has just married Emma Rutherfoord, the girl of his dreams, and is looking forward to resuming his ministry in Bloemfontein with her at his side. But he is barely back in town, when trouble strikes, and he finds himself in the centre of one grave situation after the other.
There's the attempted takeover of the Orange Free State by the Transvaal, the devastation of Beersheba Mission during the Basuto War, the secession of the Psalm-singing Dopper members of his own congregation, and unwarranted antagonism towards his bilingual education program.
While he hankers to go, he knows he has to stay until God has finished with his training.
Book TWO: Andrew Murray Destined to Win
A true story of battles, blessings, betrayal, and breakthrough
Twenty-two-year-old Andrew Murray has just completed his first year of ministry to over 20 000 Boers beyond the borders of the Cape.
After a heartbreaking betrayal, he realizes that he needs a wife—someone who is able to partner him in the ministry. But where to find such a girl? And when found, will his bloated ego and self-focus get in the way of winning her hand?
Book ONE: Andrew Murray Destined to Serve
For lovers of historical fiction about Christian heroes of the faith
A boyish and fun-loving Andrew Murray arrives back in South Africa after being ordained at The Hague on his twentieth birthday in 1848.
But not long after his appointment as pastor to the Dutch emigrants beyond the borders of the Cape, he feels overwhelmed by the task, and starts to doubt his calling. It does not take him long to realize that he has to either man-up or bow out.
South Africa's Forgotten Revival
Although the Great Awakening at the Cape in 1860/61 was as powerful as its precursors in America, Ireland and Wales, its story has, for the most part, been forgotten.
Olea Nel has succeeded in filling a much needed gap in the literature by describing the events through the lives of Andrew Murray, Nicolaas Hofmeyr and Gottlieb van der Lingen.
As the story unfolds, you will learn how the Holy Spirit moved like a wave through the Cape Colony, visiting most of its towns. Virtually overnight those who were renewed or converted became people of prayer and mission enthusiasts.
Little known talks given by Andrew Murray
Talks that enable you to “hear” Andrew Murray preach
What makes these three talks special is the fact that Andrew Murray never revised them for publication as he had done with sermons he had delivered at other conventions during 1895. They are therefore basically word for word as he delivered them.
I therefore invite you—in your mind’s eye—to become one of the attendees at the Keswick Convention of 1895, and to imagine Andrew Murray preaching these sermons with light and shade and fiery exuberance.
Talks that will help deepen your walk with the Lord
The first deals with JESUS' DESIRE FOR US TO BE ONE. And the only way this can happen, says Murray, is for the love of God to be shed abroad in our hearts. We will then have the power to effectively pray for the Saints and the coming of God's Kingdom.
The second talk focuses on THE SECRET OF EFFECTUAL PRAYER. It stresses the need to submit to the Spirit's teaching and to give ourselves to Him--as the Spirit of Intercessions--to pray in us.
The third talk, 'WITH EAGLE WINGS' teaches us how to wait upon God. It is as we wait that He will reveal Himself to us and keep our spirits continually renewed.
© 2017